Friday, February 1, 2013

Five Ways to Suppress Your Appetite

 Do your new year’s resolutions include resolving to become healthier by losing a few pounds? These five tips for suppressing your appetite can help you keep that promise you made to yourselfas you become a healthier you in 2013.

1. Recognize causes of your appetite.
A good way to begin is to learn to recognize if you are truly hungry or if your appetite is larger than life for other reasons. Your appetite can be effected by many physiological issues or simply because eating have become part of your routine. Do you eat too much because you feel stressed or bored? Has reaching for the candy bowl after work or the ice cream before bed become a habit? Think through the reasons other than hunger that you might be eating more than you need to maintain a healthy weight. Identify the triggers that cause you to eat too much. Ask yourself if it is truly your appetite you need to satisfy. Then, take charge by replacing the eating with an alternative activity that you enjoy like taking a walk, dancing to music, learning to knit, or enjoying a bubble bath.

2. Drink more water.
Sometimes we only think we are hungry when we are actually thirsty. Drinking more water each day may help you curb your appetite. Start your day with a full glass of water. Continue to drink water throughout the day and before meals to suppress your appetite and speed up your metabolism.

3. Eat more Fiber
Foods high in fiber can help you feel full and satisfied longer. Include plenty of good fiber in your daily diet. Examples include fresh apples, carrots and water packed produce such as celery and oranges.

4. Eat Small Meals 5-6 times a day.
Eating frequent, small meals can help keep your appetite under control. Don’t wait until you are famished to eat as your increased hunger will lead to over eating. Try incorporating several small meals throughout the day. In addition to moderately sized portions at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, small meals in between might include a cup of yogurt with walnuts, apple slices with peanut butter, or a small salad of fresh spinach and orange sections. 

Plan your daily food intake and write down everything you eat. This will help you identify whether you are eating enough healthy food such as whole grains, low fat dairy and fresh fruits and vegetables. You might be surprised to find that your diet includes less of these good things and more processed foods that are lacking in good nutrition than you think. We often underestimate the amount of food we are truly eating until we see it written down.

5. Use an appetite suppressant
To increase your chances for successfully suppressing your appetite and reaching your healthy weight, use a quality product in conjunction with a healthy eating plan and regular routine of exercise. Swisse Ultiboost Appetite Suppressant enhances your efforts to be healthier using a naturally derived plant based ingredient known as Slimaluma. Slimaluma works with your good habits to increase your likelihood of suppressing your appetite. Eating healthy food and even indulging in treats doesn’t have to mean eating too much. Swisse Ultiboost Appetite Suppressant can help you eat the reasonable and healthy amount of food for you. The Swisse Ultiboost Appetite Suppressant can be found at one of our Simply Pharmacy locations or at our pharmacy online.

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